Mind Blown! Jogja Noise Bombing Festival 2016 was maybe the most fun, exciting, crazy, energetic, communal, punk rock nights of live electronic music I have ever experienced. Wow.
Performers included
Timeghost (USA)
Wayan Mižu Sumitro (Slovakia)
Artmosf (Muara Enim)
RJML (Solo)
R.E.D (Singapore)
GHORA (Singapore)
Remon Red (Jakarta)
Division Fracture (Jakarta)
Annisa of Sarana (Samarinda)
KVMSY (Bandung/YK)
Gigih Kurnia (Ponorogo)
Lintang Radittya of Kenalirangkai Pakai
Coffee Faith
Satya Prapanca
Menstrual Synthdrone
Wounded Hand
So many high points! No way I can name them all!
It is obvious that the Javanese noise scene came out of punk rock, because this show was as much punk as it was electronic music, a fusion of the two I have never seen anywhere else in the world. Many many thanks to Indra Menus, the organizer, scene maker, and generous soul who is the glue holding Jogja Noise Bombing together.
My set ended with a last-second duo with Rully Shabara Herman. Google him. Amazing performer. This will, I hope, be the first of many times I perform with Rully.
You turn on the news and it seems that the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but the future of noise music in Jogja is very bright.
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